How to Remove a Background in Photoshop CC - Adobe Background Remover

 How to Remove a Background in Photoshop CC - Adobe Background Remover

How to Remove a Background in Photoshop CC - Adobe Background Remover
 How to Remove a Background in Photoshop CC - Adobe Background Remover

If you want to remove a background in Photoshop CC, the first thing you need to do is open your image in Photoshop. To do this, go to File > Open Image... and then select your image file from your computer's hard drive. With the image opened in Photoshop, you can use the Background Eraser tool to make it easier to get rid of that unwanted background in just a few steps.

Step 1: Open an Image

Select File > Open, navigate to an image with a background you want to remove, and select it. Alternatively, open an image that you’ve already altered so that you can test your steps. For example, if you want to remove white background from an image of a person on a white surface, first run the Adobe Background Removal tool on that image. The Adobe Background Removal tool replaces only pixels that are similar in color to those found around edges or within areas defined by content-aware fill. The result is a natural-looking transition between foreground and background colors. You can also use any other method you like for selecting areas of similar color (such as using Quick Selection or Refine Edge). But be sure to make selections based on actual color rather than shape; otherwise, you might end up removing part of your subject instead of just its background.

Step 2: Select the Tool

There are several tools available when it comes to removing backgrounds, each with its own perks and quirks. The most commonly used tool is Content-Aware Fill, which works by filling an object’s background with what’s surrounding it. To activate Content-Aware Fill, go up to your Edit menu at the top of your screen and select Fill. Then, choose Content-Aware from the dropdown menu. You can also press Ctrl+Shift+F (Win) / Command+Shift+F (Mac). If you want to remove a more complex background, like one that has multiple colors or patterns in it, try using Refine Edge instead.

How to Remove a Background in Photoshop CC - Adobe Background Remover
 How to Remove a Background in Photoshop CC - Adobe Background Remover

Step 3: Drag Your Selection

When you’re happy with your selection, click and drag over it to see where it starts and stops. Take note of any weird bumps or gaps that might crop up around certain areas—this will help you fix those issues after removing your background. Also, be sure you’ve selected everything you want to be removed; if there are objects on another layer underneath, they won’t be touched by this tool. If you accidentally select something you didn’t mean to, simply hit Command-Z (PC: Ctrl-Z) to undo your last step.

Step 4: Set the Sampling

After setting up your project, you're ready to start pulling sample images from websites. Here are three simple methods for sampling: web scraping with Python, copying and pasting code into Canva's editor, and downloading images. Try all three methods and see which one works best for you! Please refer to our tutorial on automating browser tasks with Selenium if you plan on using any of these methods.

Step 5: Clean Up the Edges

Any time you’re working with an image—especially if it’s over 100px at its longest dimension—you want to clean up your edges, not just do what Adobe calls auto edge enhancement. That setting works fine on portraits, but when you start dealing with text and shadows (which is what we’re doing here), auto edge enhancement can make things look muddy. So, let’s press Command+Option+A/Ctrl+Alt+A and use Refine Edge > Smart Radius to tweak our selection. Check out my results below: I lowered my Threshold setting down to 50%, clicked OK, and...voilà! No more jaggedy borders for me!

Step 6: Save and Use

You should have come up with at least 5 ideas. If you didn’t, that’s okay – keep practicing! But if you did, go ahead and save them now (CTRL+S). Next time you sit down for 15 minutes or so, go ahead and open one of them. Write out your draft as quickly as possible (20 minutes maximum) and then share it on Google Docs or WordPress for feedback. This will help build some momentum for your content marketing campaign! Once you feel comfortable writing blogs, start thinking about how you can produce more value by creating multiple pieces of content. For example: creating an infographic from one of your longer articles; recording a video version of your post; turning another post into an ebook; etc. By making each piece valuable by itself but also connected to other posts/products/services, you can develop an entire hub around a topic while continuing to provide high-quality free information in order to drive traffic back to paid products or services.

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